Friday, August 17, 2007


A friend of mine was admitted to the hospital and they found her breast cancer has spread. She's so young, barely 30, newly engaged, with her whole life ahead of her. She just did a friggin' triathlon the week before her relapse was diagnosed, for petes' sake. It's so sad. Two weeks ago I entered a really cool picture of her on her bike in a photo contest at work. I hope it wins. She's in ICU right now. I'm a total wuss when it comes to stuff like this, absolutely no good to anyone. I tend to get very detached at times like these. So, people will probably think I'm just a cold, unfeeling bitch, but those who know me know I don't usually wear my emotions on my sleeve. Like, right now as I type this, I'm crying. Nobody's here. See??

Fuck cancer.

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