Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Adventures in Insuranceland!

okay, so two months ago we get a letter from our mortgage company saying they need proof of insurance. whatever. Send them a letter via snail mail with copy of policy page.

Yesterday! We get ANOTHER letter from mortgage company saying since we never provided proof of insurance, they have initated a policy for us to cover their investment. whaaa..... at a nice cool $6,000 a year!! So... called them up. They said the insurance policy was cancelled by the insurer. again, WTF?!?!?! They also said they assumed we knew about it. No, we din't!!

So, this morning, we call the insurer. They're like "oh. oops. Let's fix that." Man, people! What happened? They had no explanation. They said they'd call the mortgage company and reinstate the policy so the $6K policy will be terminated. We were with NO HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE FOR THREE MONTHS and didn't freakin' know it!! They should give us a refund for that prorated time!

eh. well, good news. My friend in the previous post is doing GREAT and should be discharged today!!

AND... my sister is having a baby on THURSDAY!!!

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