Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Adventures in Insuranceland II

Maybe this should be called "Adventures in Mortgageland". Apparentely, a google search turned up the Federal Trade Commission website, which stated that this is a common scam. Should I report my mortgage company?? You'd think a big company like them.... what's the world coming to? go there for the story. Now we're looking into seeing if we can get the escrow removed and pay taxes and insurance seperately, but I'm not holding my breath, is there some sort of FL law that says we HAVE to have escrow?

A five year home equity loan looks good, the payments will be $110 more/month than our total mortgage now but only for five years as opposed to 17 more years......

I need a financial whiz.

I rode my bike today. On a bridge. yay me.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Adventures in Insuranceland!

okay, so two months ago we get a letter from our mortgage company saying they need proof of insurance. whatever. Send them a letter via snail mail with copy of policy page.

Yesterday! We get ANOTHER letter from mortgage company saying since we never provided proof of insurance, they have initated a policy for us to cover their investment. whaaa..... at a nice cool $6,000 a year!! So... called them up. They said the insurance policy was cancelled by the insurer. again, WTF?!?!?! They also said they assumed we knew about it. No, we din't!!

So, this morning, we call the insurer. They're like "oh. oops. Let's fix that." Man, people! What happened? They had no explanation. They said they'd call the mortgage company and reinstate the policy so the $6K policy will be terminated. We were with NO HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE FOR THREE MONTHS and didn't freakin' know it!! They should give us a refund for that prorated time!

eh. well, good news. My friend in the previous post is doing GREAT and should be discharged today!!

AND... my sister is having a baby on THURSDAY!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007


A friend of mine was admitted to the hospital and they found her breast cancer has spread. She's so young, barely 30, newly engaged, with her whole life ahead of her. She just did a friggin' triathlon the week before her relapse was diagnosed, for petes' sake. It's so sad. Two weeks ago I entered a really cool picture of her on her bike in a photo contest at work. I hope it wins. She's in ICU right now. I'm a total wuss when it comes to stuff like this, absolutely no good to anyone. I tend to get very detached at times like these. So, people will probably think I'm just a cold, unfeeling bitch, but those who know me know I don't usually wear my emotions on my sleeve. Like, right now as I type this, I'm crying. Nobody's here. See??

Fuck cancer.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

new toys!!

I got a new toy today. It's a suunto t1. Heart rate monitor, watch, timer, yadda yadda. Now I gotta figure out what button does what. It's a tad big, but I'll get used to it.

Went to Subway and idiots overcharged us, didn't realize it till after we left. Why don't they give us a detailed receipt??

School starts soon....... yay!! yippee!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Spiders and Yogurt

There was this HUGE Wolf Spider in my car yesterday which totally freaked me out!! We ended up sucking him up with the shop vac and leaving him in there for my husband to come take care of!! That thing was ENORMOUS!!

And... what's up with those two girls in Bridesmaid Dresses for the Yogurt Commercials? The reception is obviously all done. They're kicking back, having a yogurt and talking about how good it is. I mean, come on, who does that?? At this time, normal people would be kicking back, drinking up the last of the available alcohol. Who comes up with these things??

Here's a great one: heh.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Don't people listen?

A bridge fell into the Mighty Mississippi today. It was reported that they found cracks in it, yet they let it stay in service. hmmmm... Don't people ever listen? Why does something consequential always have to happen before people listen? Like getting the hell out of Dodge when there's a hurricane coming (after stockpiling of course)? Like a teenager who won't follow the rules and gets grounded, misses the big party? Or the poor kid who licks a frozen flagpole? See the point?

And... how can people be so stupid to leave their car running in the garage?? I mean, you pull in, turn the ignition off, remove the keys, close the door, take the baby out, right? How simple and sensible is that? This week, in our area alone, two boys (and the dog) died because their mom allegedly forgot to turn off the vehicle in the garage. Another family was saved when their baby awoke crying like a banshee and the parents felt "woozy". I mean, people? Turn off the car!! Or at least install a carbon monoxide detector in your garage/home.

ummm... people can be stoopid sometimes.